Synth School with V.N Lucarelli

Rating: 15+

Venue is fully accessible

Synth School with V.N Lucarelli

Build an electronic sound circuit

As part of Desert Festival’s Synth School series, join Vito Lucarelli (they/them), for a workshop & demystify and exploring the fundamentals of synthesisers.

If you’ve ever wondered what some terms like frequency, waveshape or oscillator sync mean, or what the insides of some synthesisers look like, then this workshop just might be for you!

In this workshop you’ll :

  • Learn basic terminology & functions
  • Gain a deeper understanding of how synthesisers produce sound
  • Build a basic electronic circuit from supplied materials

Suitable for:

  • Ages: 16 and up
  • Beginners – intermediate
    • No prior experience necessary!

What to bring:

  • All supplies provided

Image Credit: Copyright V.N. Lucarelli 2024

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